About Tistahel

In a day and age where everything in life accelerates, time is not enough to complete all of your business. It is smart to prioritize your work and hire a trustworthy service provider to help you executing sophisticated tasks. Global services have developed in the field of personal assistance to give you the opportunity to set your priorities, and achieve your professional goals sufficiently.

Life Style

When you want your travel arrangements to be the beginning of the pleasure of traveling, to think beyond booking and preparations and enjoy your business trip, “Tistahel” is the destination that you trust to achieve all of this in a professional way that goes beyond your expectations.

Personal Assistance

Your lifestyle at office, home or wherever you are in the world will be more effective with “Tistahel”. We place performance, productivity and peace of mind as priorities for our business in serving our clients.

Privilege services

The elite, pioneers of the community and the symbols of success. We provide them a high degree of sophistication through our privilege services to match the lifestyle of our distinguished clients. We take pride and integrity in a way that always accompanies us.